"Ireland's most active genealogical society"

Purchase an electronic copy (Adobe pdf) of our 2021 Journal for €10 – your copy will be emailed to you.
Re-Imagining the National Library 6
Family History & the Transatlantic Cable 9
Certificate of Successful Vaccination 13
WW1, Ireland’s Coastal Battlefield & the Untimely Death of Able Seaman George Jones 14
61,000 Women: Assisted Emigration from Irish Poor Law Unions to the North American Colonies in the mid-nineteenth century 22
The O’Donnell Clan Revival 29
Genealogy in the Raw – 400 years of Mayo Family History 40
“Paradise Alley” – The fact and fiction in a Docklands school 47
New Catholic Church Records for Rathangan, Co. Wexford 1807-1811 55
The Cavanagh Family of Venado Tuerto & the Irish in Argentina 59
Auschwitz – The Silver Fox Stole – From the Recorded Memoirs of Theresa Gericke 67
Beyond 2022: the Creation of a Virtual Record Treasury 71
The Black & Tans in Mayo 75
The Evolution of Genetic Genealogy in Ireland 79
The Irish DNA Atlas – The Latest Developments 83
St. Columbanus & the Genealogy of the Irish Saints 88
Irish Monastic Schools in Europe 96
Irish Heraldry’s Unfinished Business 101
Obituaries 110
The society has some copies of the latest journal available for sale at €10.00 plus P&P (Ireland €2.50, Elsewhere €4.80)
If you would like a copy, please select the appropriate delivery option and click “buy now”
Previous Journals – contact membership@familyhistory.ie for availability
Journals of the Genealogical Society of Ireland 2000 – 2012 (covers and table of contents)
In the earlier years of that period, journals were issued on a quarterly basis, but in later years these had reduced to 1 journal per annum.

Dedication – Jean Reddin, RIP, -, Page 1 / The Montgomery Orphans: Dundalk Workhouse 1842, Hall, Brendan, Page 4 / Portumna & Gort Bridewell in 1851, -, Page 12 / Fr. John Smyth, O.M.I., McDonnell, Annette, Page 13 / The Royal Hibernian Military School in Dublin, Clarke, Howard R., Page 16 / Archdeacon James Tierney’s Carte De Visite, Hall, … See more
See Translation

Flanagans, Halligans and Byrnes – My Ancestors from Co. Louth / Tombstone Inscriptions of Kilconickny and Lickerrig, Co. Galway / Pedigree of the Fallons of Turloughmore, Co. Galway / Francis Duffy from Ballybay to Australia – A Policeman’s Biography / The Gauls of Rathasker Road, Naas / Logues of Stillorgan and ‘The King’s Speech’ / The Last Word – Irish Wills and Testamentary Records / An Emigrant’s Story – Eight Years in New York / James Lynch, Carnamoyle, Co. Donegal, Ireland / Lawless of Connacht / Miscellaneous Information from the Irish Year Book 1921 / The Saundersons of Farranseer, Co. Cavan [Front Cover: Kilconickny Church, Loughrea, Co. Galway]

Photos of Daniel O’Connell’s Tomb, Glasnevin Cemetery / Welcome by An Cathaoirleach / Kennerk Family History / The End? / A Sequal to the SS Hare Story / The Bourne Family of Co. Dublin / List of Holders of Publican Licences in West Donegal / Relative Protocols / George O’Brien, RIP / The Moon and Agnew Families of Co. Tyrone / Peter Graham 1847-1918 /The Chronicler of Jewish Irelan… See more

Editorial / Kenure, The Mansion That No One Would Buy /A Wedding in Time of Famine / Sources: a NLI Database for Irish Research / Offences Committed in Co. Kilkenny 1861-1862 / The Mooneys of Trudder – A Farm and a Family / Genealogy at the Guinness Archive / The Cottingham Family 1500-1875 / Look Back in Wonder: Online Photographs from the National Library of Ireland / Soldier, Adv… See more

Editorial / R. Griffith in India (1770-1780) / A Wedding in 1906 / An Annotated Listing of Published Memorial Memorial Inscriptions of Leitrim / James Johnston (1845-1916) A Miller’s son from Cornacarrow, Co. Monaghan / The Way We Were in 1859 / Irish Heraldic Law – Problems of Autocthony in A Successor State / Letters from Rhode Island – A Brief Biography of Brigid Murphy (1886-1920) / Recollections of My Irish Grandparents / Tracing a First World War Soldier / Ancestral Lineage of Paul McNulty as Gleaned from Early to Mid-19th Century Records [Front Cover: British Railways, Dún Laoghaire Pier, Football Team April 30th 1949]

The Secret Life of a Dublin Dental Assistant / Thomas O’Brien – A Forgotten Local Patriot / Thomas Griffith, Comic Actor & Freemason / Open the 1926 Census / Three Little Words / An Account of the last voyage of the SS Hare – December 1917 / 1 1906 Case of Alcoholic Poisoning / Galway Bi-lingual Society – Bi-lingual Education in Ireland and Belgium / Fiadhnaise Nua – The Line of Jame… See more

Heraldic Legislation for Ireland / Seaton Windmill Families II – The Callan Windmill / Notes on some residents of Prince of Wales Terrace, Bray, Co. Wicklow / Query Received from Robert T. Bond / Grand Uncle’s Medal / “Murder Will Out – Irish Murder Cases” review / The Muster Rolls of the Kilkenny Militia in the 17th and 18th Centuries / Swift Justice / New Publication “Memoria… See more

Skeealyn Vannin – Stories of Mann. A Miscellany on the History, Culture and Language of the Isle of Man / The Sinking of the “Longford” Canal Boat, November 1845 / The Burning of Bridget Buckley / The Trouble with Wills / The Society’s Lecture Programme for 2006 / Heraldic Legislation for Ireland (Up-date on Article in Vol. 7 No. 1 2006) / Stand and Deliver! / Some 1916 Drogheda WWI Casualties / Roches in Newfoundland / The Irish Law of Arms – A Lingering Question of Authority / Deansgrange Cemetery Burial Records 1873 / A Word from the Editor [Front Cover: Deansgrange Burial Register ]

The Irish Manuscript Genealogies – Fact or Fiction / The Ups and Downs of a World War II Glider Pilot / The Martyn Tribe of Galway – An Outline of Our Clans and Septs / Irish Postal History circa 1660 to circa 1860 / A Callery Makes Good in America / Intimidation in Parliamentary Elections: Kerry 1835 / Family of Arthur Hill Griffith (1810-1881) / Some VIP Signatuires c. 1922 that Pose a Problem / The Senior Line of the Gabhal Raghnail / Army Records: Chaplains’ Returns, A Genealogical Source / Writing the Story [Front Cover: James Callery and his wife Rose Ann (née Dowling)

A Word from the Edior / The McGarvey and O’Donnell Families of Butte, Montana / Index of Deansgrange Cemetery Burials – Part Three / Plucky Rescue – Morriscastle 1902 / The Emperor’s Gift / Ulysses Burgh (c. 1640-1692) / Rescue at Wicklow Head / The Meelick Obituary / Our Family History – Echoes from the Past / The Hearth Money Rolls for Co. Wicklow – An Introduction / List of Approved Retailers of Radio Receiving Sets / Patrick Boden’s Attempted Insurance Fraud [Front Cover: John James O’Byrne & Alice Farnan in 1925

Obituary – Sister M. Bernadette de Lourdes O’Carm / A Galway Lawyer at the Confederation of Kilkenny (Richard Martin Fitz Oliver of Dun Guaire, c. 1602-1648) / The Surnames of Meates and Mates and DNA Testing / Conroys in Mountrath & Mountmellick, Co. Laois at 1901 Census / Intimidation at Parliamentary Elections: Carlow 1835 / Elements of a Dade Register /List of Approved Retailers of Radio Receiving Sets – Part Two / The Murder of Lieutenant W. Newcole [Front Cover: Sister M. Bernadette de Lourses O.Carm with President Lyndon B. Johnson at the White House)

A Very Special Occasion / Who Did Design the European Flag? / What, Me a Genealogist? / The Gentleman Soldier / The Tin Box under the Bed / From the Potato Famine to the Palace – The Brannigans of Knockaraha in Mayo / “Wish Me Well – Notes on my Sleeve” review / Valentia Story / Rental of a County Cavan Estate, c. 1802 / Man Almost Buried Alive in Delgany, Co. Wicklow / Pilot Officer Norman Robinson (1917-1943) Killed in Action, World War II [Front Cover: Tony McCarthy, new President of the Society with Vice-President, James Davidson]

Adam Smyth (1875-1918) Post Office Sorter on Royal Mail Steamer “Leinster” / From Dublin to Devon in Search of a Maritime Past / Quirky Entries from The Cork Merchantile Chronicle / The Death of Thomas Bewley in an 1889 Dublin Industrial Gas Accident / A Note on Cornelius Fennessy, OSA / James Terry’s Legacy / The Gentleman Soldier / James Gunning – A Dalkey Man in Her Majesty’s Navy / Royal Hibernian Military School Extant Records / The Anglo-Norman Origins & Genealogy of the De La Launde Family / GSI Publications [Front Cover: Man-of-War’s men drawn from life by George Thomas ]

A Letter from Artur Vicars, Ulster / Post Office Staff on the RMS Leinster / An Litor, An Comhairle agus An Leabhair / Cakes went to Charity… / A Doctor on the ‘Leinster’ / Byrne Memorials in the Cemetery of the Holy Cross, Arklow / Enniskillen Advertisments 1897 / The Sligo Petitioners 1826 / The Parents of Chamber Music / News from the Past / Shirley Estate Loan Book 1827 to 1845 / Oscar Wilde’s Friend and Benefactor, Helen Carew (c. 1856-1928) / Ordinations 1940 [Front Cover: grave of Oscar Wilde, Pere Lachaise Cemetery, Paris ]

The Brown Family of Dundalk – Millers, Lawyers and Olympic Champions / Miscellaneous Press Cuttings Recorded in Dillon Family Bible / Dean’s Grange Cemetery, Blackrock, Co. Dublin – The First 100 Burials / The Need for Corroboration / Attack on the Martello Tower at Cork / Ireland of the Hidden Centuries / The Forde Sept / A Gem from the Past / Some Warrens of Corduff / School Register Records for the Christian Brothers School, Dun Laoghaire 1927 to 1931 / Waterford Spanish Civil War International Brigaders Remembered [Front Cover: School Register, CBS, Dún Laoghaire]

Extract from ‘The Book of Dead Names’ / Captain Herman Goertz – Activities of a German Secret Agent During WW2 in Ireland / Book Review – Carrickbrennan Cemetery Inscriptions / Write Now! Publishing a Family Newsletter / A Cook Street Lease from 1689 / Deansgrange Index of Burials from 1865 to 1869 / Some Facts and Myths of Heraldry / School Registers – CBS, Dun Laoghaire 1927 to 1931 (Part 2) / Cornelius Fennessy and the Need for Corroboration / Sgt. Major Cornelius Coughlan, VC / Contributors to ‘An Daonchartlann’ Fund [Front Cover: Workers in Deansgrange Cemetery circa 1930s ]

Fire in Patrick Street, Dublin 1861 / Corporal John Lyons, VC (1825-1867) /An Ulster/French Marriage / ‘Empress of Ireland’ – The Story of an Edwardian Liner / Hugh McCarthy’s Sick Leave / The Proposed Dublin to Kilkenny Railway 1837 / Table of Improvements in Locomotive Engines 1829-35 / Imirce / Early Days! / Extracts from St. Nicholas Register, Liverpool / Missing Sources of Genealogical Data / Oath of a Substitute or Volunteer Militiaman / The Genealogical Material in the Depositions of 1641 / From Thornhill to Grange: One Lady’s Journey / Notes on the 1793 Relief Act / Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland 1931 / Problems with the 1901 Census / Names from a Medieval Inquisition at Shankill, Rathmichael and Dalkey / Irish Crime Statistics 1837-46 / Assizes Intelligence July 1843 / Review: ‘John O’Donovan’s Origin and Meaning of Irish Family Names…’ / Review: St. Anne’s – The Story of a Guinness Estate’ / GSI Publications [Front Cover: King’s Bridge Station, Dublin]

Julia Merriman / Records and History of the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra, Dublin / A Piece of Daniel O’Connell’s Family Tree / Quirky Entries from ‘Walker’s Hibernian Magazine’ / David Nagle – Whiteboy & Emigrant / High Sheriffs of County Down 1714-1857 / John McGrath of Cashel – the Story of a Convict / Fire in Patrick Street, Dublin – Addendum / High Sheriffs County Armagh 1714-1857 / The Death of District Inspector Michael Hunt RIC / The Genealogy Book of MacGovern / The Ballykinlar Book [Front Cover: Julia Merriman ]

The Tallest Windmill in Ireland / The Depositions of 1641 / Shirley Estate (Co. Monaghan) Petition / Irish Manuscripts Commission / Medieval Surnames in North County Dublin / Origins of My Family / Birthday of Thomas Oriel Foster / Reviews: ‘The 1st Royal Irish Rifles in the Great War’ and ‘Through the Streets Broad and Narrow: A History of Dublin Trams /Surnames / The Battle of Carrickshock / The ‘Evening Freeman’ (Extracts) May 1848 / More Quirky Entries from ‘Irish Marriages from Walker’s Hibernian Magazine’ / A Legacy from the RIC / Newspaper and Journal Listing 1922 / The Cow Pock Institution / Modern Ireland’s Electors’ Lists / Kirwans from Galway in a Well Worn Prayer-book / The Death of Darby Gormley – 1844 [Front Cover: Tallest Windmill in Ireland, Seaton, Dundalk, Co. Louth c. 1860]

1891 Ardee Union Board of Guardians – Condemned Cottages / The Police in Arklow 1891 to 1911 / Transcription of Graveyard Inscriptions from Devinish Island. Lough Erne / Bradys in the Meath Remnants – Census of 1821 / Census Extracts 1911 Dunsany Village, Co. Meath / Dublin Street Names / In Search of a Franciscan in Kilmacow / The Shooting of D.I Hunt – The Official Version / Precedence Amongst Ladies / Derrynacong – Nineteenth Century Records / The Ubiquitous Byrnes / KJings of Arms and Heralds [Front Cover: Ganzey Village, Dunsany, Co. Meath ]

Early Research into the Elmes Family / Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, Dublin – Family Scaps / The Bridgemans of Co. Clare / Names from the Dublin Corporation Reports of 1908 / A Family of Little Importance / Patrick McMahon of Torrodile, Co. Limerick / Vere Foster and the ‘City of Mobile’ / Patrick Hanratty, Convict / Loughlinstown Workhouse in the 1840s / My Cavan Connections / Murder Case in Wexford in 1824 / The British National Inventory of War Memorials / An Ulster Migration to Arklow 1597 / Limerick Assizes, March 1815 / GSI Publications [Front Cover: Vere Foster (1898) ]

Medieval Freeholders in Finglas, Co. Dublin. / Enniscorthy – The Portsmouth Estates in 1829 / Pádraig Mac Piarais agus Tochailt an Phóir / Orphans’ Records from the Irish Curch Missions / Corn Exchange Buildings Company, Dublin, 1815 / Joseph White and the ‘The National Cap’ / Peoples of the Irish Diaspora – Danial J.J.P. O’Connell & Eliz. A. Leyne; Margaret Moore / Occupants of the Village of Deansgrange, Co. Dublin 1846-1895 / Robert Emmet and His People / Maud’s Story / Unclaimed Money / Monaghan Assizes, September 1797 / New Publications from the GSI [Front Cover: Robert Emmet]

A Missionary of Sterling Worth / Canadian Subscriptions to the Building of Armagh RC Cathedral, 1857 / The Emigrant Children of Rev. John Elmes / ‘Irish Winners of the Victoria Cross’ / The Kynoch Explosives Works, Arlkow 1849-1919 / Violent Crime in Ireland 1838-42 / People of the Irish Diaspora – Michael J. Dolan (1853-1927) / In praise of the Irish Militia / Names and More Na… See more

Who Was Daniel Byrne / Letters to Roseanne Reynolds, 1901-9 / Some County Assizes, 1799 / An Eviction in Co. Louth in 1884 and… / Names, Trades and Occupations List for Arklow 1870-9 / The Proposed Cork to Passage Railway 1837 / The Royal Hibernian Military School / Callery Research – A Work in Progress! / The Gaelic Genealogies of the Irish / Noda, the Scribally Contracted Forms Used in Irish Manuscripts / Golden-Ball / Sligo Co. Council & Chief Officials 1922 / Patrick Joseph Collins (1908-1992) / Michael Collins International Fund Raiser / Arriving in Galway 1794 / GSI Journal: Index of Articles by Author Volume 3 [Front Cover: Frederick Leonard Palmer, RHMS 1905]

Edengora School, Co. Meath – Pupils 1865-1905 / Tracing Medical Ancestors in the Archives of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland / Notes on the Skellys of Drogheda and Nugents of St. Croix. / The Battle of Vinegar Hill (index) / Making Peace with History / The Wild Irish? / A Letter from the Front, December 1915 / The Mutiny of the North Tipperary Militia 1856 / Relief of Distress in Ireland 1847 / Memorial of the Tenantry of Cashel, Co. Monaghan, 1848 / Burys in and out of Dublin / People of the Irish Diaspora: Bridget Mary Corcoran; Colletons from Kilkenny; Laurence McQuown. [Front Cover: Edengora School Register ]

Simpson’s Hospital: A Genealogical Source / A Genealogical Puzzle / A Polley family of Belfast in the Great War / Driving Offences in Dublin in 1916 / Extract from the ‘Hibernian Magazine’ July 1783 / Oath of Allegiance 1829 / The Annals of the Pile Family / Dublin’s Deserted Children / Rev. Patrick Henry Kilduff / The Irish in Newcastle and County Durham: Sources for Genealogical Study / Comments on ‘MacBride’s Brigade: Irish Commandos in the Anglo-Boer War’ /New Publication in the Irish Genealogical Sources Series / The Unused Rail Ticket / Vere Foster’s County Louth Emigrants, 1856 / Edward Curran of Cardiff (1881-1937) / Review: ‘The 1848 Petitions: The William Smith O’Brien Petition’ [Front Cover: Rev. Patrick Henry Kilduff from Co. Offaly and his Mary Ann Collingwood Paterson and children, Henry (left), Isabella on father’s lap and Willie holding his gun – taken circa 1884]

Presentation of Arms to the GSI / The Charity of Mars / Notes on the Allen Family History / The Search for the Real Jack Dawson / The Patriotic Fund for County Louth 1854/5 / A Wet Day in the Garda Museum / The Papers of a Coote Estate in Laois and Dublin: A Genealogical Source / Family and Other Histories / Cardinal Wiseman Visits Ireland / Irish ‘Land League’ Minutes in the 1880s / People of the Irish Diaspora: Paul Cole Atkinson; George Eaton; Martin and Bridget Sheedy; Charles James Griffith; Timothy Donovan; Daniel Riordan; Margaret Ryan / The Ordinary People – Us? / Soldiers Who Died in the Great War 1914-1919 / From The Westmeath Examiner, 23rd Sept. 1882 / The Matthews of Glamorgan and South Kilkenny / The Phonograph / Society publications / New Publication: ‘History of the Royal Hibernian Military School Dublin [Front Cover: Arms of the Genealogical Society of Ireland]

Nun’s Cross School, Ashford, Co. Wicklow / Nixons of Antrim and Monaghan / Ardee Convent Subscriptions Fund 1855/6 / Comments on Police Casualties in Ireland 1919-1922 / Downpatrick Assizes, March 1796 / Dublin County Council 1922 / A Small Graveyard in a Dublin Gospital / Kinsale Petition 1792 / A Cavan – West Indian Connection / Build Your Own Genealogy Library / Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim – Some Local History / Inscription at St. Mary’s (C. of I.) Cathedral, Tuam / Twenty-seven Orphans of the 27th Regt. of Foot / A Work in Progress (King James’s Irish Army List) / Dowling and Dunning Families of the Parishes of St. Peter & Drum / Dublin Corporation 1813 – Resolution / Tried at Trim / Index of Articles by Author GSI Journal Volumes 1 and 2 [Front Cover: The North Gate, Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim]

Editorial / Staffords from Wexford, Ireland to Lanark County, Canada /Harrigans and Crosbys – A Genealogical Study /The Gilbert Library – facing the future / Aome Useful Irish Connections / Stories from a Graveyard / Irish One Name Studies / Aspects of Clann Uí Riain / Regional & North South Proposal onm the Records of the General Register Office, Dublin [Front Cover: Arms of O Conor Don, President of the Society ]

The Lawrence Collection / A Dún Laoghaire Priest / What do you mean – Scottish OPRs / Women of Faith / Cornelius Gallagher / Whatever Happened to…? / Extracts from the Kingstown Monthly April 1895 / Convicts awaiting transportation 1815 / Bankrupts / 19th Century in-migration into Bessbrook / Missing relatives – 1911 Census extracts / Memories of times past – Swords / Pawnbrokers of Dublin 1831 / The Stanley Surname / Young’s Tour in Ireland 1776-1779 / Relative on the last voyage of ‘Leinster’. [Front Cover: from left Norman Duffy, Seán Kane & Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Larry Butler outside Seapoint Martello Tower ]

Death of Society President / The Famine in Schull, Co. Cork / Grandfather’s Account Book / Connaught Population in 1841 & 1926 / The Family Bible as a Source for Family History / Was your Ancestor a Dentist? / Searching for Salway-Goddar / Whitty Clan Rally, May 2000 / The Wicklow Masonic Lodge / UCD Genealogy Courses / Letter from America / A Voyage to New Zealand , 1852 / Ind… See more

Extracts from Annual Report 2000 / The Bell / Soldiers of the South Irish Horse who died in WWI / Scheme for the establishment of District Nurses in the Pooerer Parts of Ireland / Cheastt/Kirwan Marriage Settlement, 1879 / Castlecore, Co. Longford / A Ryan Family Reunion / Father James O’Dwyer / Christopher Swinbourne, Pioneer Photographer / Sentences at Maryborough Assizes, Ma… See more
Journals of the Genealogical Society of Ireland & Dun Laoghaire Genealogical Society – Index to contents
Some issues of these journals are available for sale at €5 plus p&p (Ireland €2, other countries €3.50). Email us at sales@familyhistory.ie with your requirements and we will invoice you – payment by Paypal or by credit card.