"Ireland's most active genealogical society"
Our Online Databases
Aliens Register 1914 -1918 
This database was compiled from a photocopy of the Aliens Register which was presented to the Genealogical Society of Ireland by Stuart Rosenblatt FGSI who had carried out research on the register for his Rosenblatt Series. The register is not complete, some pages are missing. It contains the names of non UK citizens who arrived and lived in Dublin and were obliged to register with the police.The Register in indexed alphabetically and the page references are linked to scanned images of the register. Click here to access Aliens Register
Stuart would like interested parties to make personal contact with him as he would have more information to hand for the Jewish community. More important is that he would receive further information appertaining to the family for future generations to enjoy. Contact details as follows:- Mail:- Jasonia Centre. 76 Dame Street Dublin 2 Ireland
Email: srosenblatt@irishjewishroots.com Phone: + 353 1 677 3808 SKYPE: Stuart.Rosenblatt.
Drumlomman Census 1821 
Drumlomman Parish census transcription and analysis was completed by the late Patricia Gilligan for the Certificate in Genealogy Course UCD. Patricia’s wish was to make the completed work widely available and asked the GSI to publish it. Regrettably the GSI was unable to publish it before her untimely death but is now delighted to make this very valuable study available to all researching family history in Ireland.We have two versions of the Drumlomman Parish census. The version with hyperlinks has more functionality, but may be rejected by your system if you have tight security settings.
Click here to access the basic version of Drumlomman Parish census.
Click here to access the version with hyperlinks
Laois Papers
In the 1990s the Genealogical Society of Ireland came into possession of a large collection of papers which had originated in a solicitor’s office in County Laois, formally Queen’s County, Ireland. The papers have been classified as Deeds, Rentals and Family papers (not sorted yet)
Deeds These are Leases, Mortgages, Conveyances, Indentures, Wills, Marriage settlements, Land deeds etc. Click here for access Deeds
Rentals These are estate rentals and extracts from valuation books. More will be added to the Rental database later (revised Oct 2014). Click here for access Rentals
The Genealogical Society of Ireland obtained, some years ago, a collection of obituaries of Irish people who had died mainly in Canada with some in the USA and New Zealand.The collection consisted mainly of
newspaper cuttings and also a few transcriptions of obituaries and gravestones. The cuttings, in most cases, did not include the name of the newspaper or date of publication.This is an index to the obituaries. Images of the newspaper cuttings with be added later. Click here for access Obituaries