"Ireland's most active genealogical society"
Fellowship of the Society
Fellowship of the Society is the highest honour that the Genealogical Society of Ireland can bestow on an existing Member or on any individual in recognition for various outstanding achievements and exceptional services in the fields of Genealogy, Heraldry and related subjects.
The role of the College of Fellows was enhanced by the Annual General Meeting in 2012 to encompass certain defined functions within the Society and in the promotion of an awareness, appreciation and knowledge of our genealogical and heraldic heritage.
In addition, the resolution adopted at the 2012 AGM designated the President of the Society, Rory J. Stanley, FGSI, as ex-officio Dean [Chairperson] of the College of Fellows. For further information see page 2.

(Pictured opposite: Mr. John Grenham, MA, MAPGI, FIGRS, FGSI, accepting the special award of Fellowship of the Genealogical Society of Ireland on November 8th 2010 from Ms. Mary Hanafin, TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture & Sport, at the reception to mark the Society’s 20th anniversary.)
List of Fellows of the Society
Frieda Carroll (Dublin)
Michael Merrigan (Dublin)
John Grenham (Dublin)
Barry O’Connor (Dublin)
Stuart Rosenblatt (Dublin)
Tony McCarthy (Cork)
Jim Herlihy (Cork)
Brian Mitchell (Derry, Northern Ireland)
Rory J. Stanley (Dublin)
Séamus O’Reilly (Dublin)
Séamus Moriarty (Dublin)
James Scannell
Fiona Tipple
Fiona Fitzsimons
Francis M. O’Donnell
Gerard Hayden
Dr. Antonio Salmerón Cabañas, SHA, FGSI
Deceased Fellows
- Denis O Conor Don, First President of the Society
- Sr. M. Bernadette de Lourdes, OCarm (USA)
- Jean Reddin, Co. Founder & First Hon. Treasurer of the Society
- Seán Kane
- Liam Mac Alasdair
- Joan Merrigan, Co-Founder
David, The O’Morchoe, Vice-President
- James Davidson, Vice-President
- Anthony Daly
- Clare Touhy
Constitution of the College of Fellows
Res: 12/03/894
The Board sought and received the endorsement of the Members, by way of a resolution placed before the Annual General Meeting of the Society on Tuesday March 13 2012, to give effect to the following matters which now govern the activities, functions or duties of the College of Fellows of the Society.
This resolution cannot be amended or altered, in any manner, save without the prior consent of the Members at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
- The number of Fellows shall not, at any time, exceed twenty.
- Nominations for membership of the College of Fellows shall be considered by the Board under any of the following headings: (a) ‘Services to Genealogy, Heraldry and Related Subjects’; (b) ‘Services to the Society’; (c) ‘Services to promotion of an awareness, appreciation and knowledge of Ireland’s genealogical or heraldic heritage’ and (d) ‘Services to education, culture and heritage through research, teaching, publication or conservation’.
- Nominees for membership of the College of Fellows may be existing or previous Members of the Society; professionals in the fields of genealogy or heraldry; historians, including local and social historians; professionals in the fields of education, research, conservation, heritage or cultural studies; and persons excelling in any of the above.
- Serving members of the Board of Directors shall be ineligible for nomination by the Board during their terms of office.
- Nominees of the Board for membership of the College of Fellows shall be required to receive the endorsement of College of Fellows by ballot prior to the granting of Fellowship of the Society.
- Membership of the College of Fellows shall be considered as ‘Life Membership’ of the Society and subject to such conditions as may be determined, from time to time, by the Board of the Society.
- The College of Fellows shall, as may be required from time to time, elect the President of the Society from the list of nominees received from the Board of the Society.
- The President of the Society shall be ex-officio Dean of the College of Fellows and shall convene and preside at meetings of the College of Fellows.
- The College of Fellows shall have such functions or duties as may be determined, from time to time, by the Board of the Society.
- The College of Fellows may, in a manner determined by the Board, confer ‘Associate Fellowships’ in recognition for outstanding research and/or publication or achievement in the fields of genealogy, heraldry, vexillology, history, local history, social history, military history, maritime history, diaspora and migration studies, or cultural studies.
The Board placed the following resolution before the Annual General Meeting of the Society on Tuesday March 13th 2012 and it was endorsed and adopted by the Members.
‘That, this Annual General Meeting agrees to endorse Res: 12/03/894 of the Board in respect of the College of Fellows of the Society including the limit of twenty Fellows; the criteria for nomination and election to the College of Fellows; and the determination of the functions and duties of the College of Fellows and duly authorises the Board of Directors to proceed accordingly’.
Michael Merrigan, MA, FGSI General Secretary Genealogical Society of Ireland