GSI Open Meetings

GSI OPEN MEETINGS Society’s Monthly Open Meetings are now all held via ZOOM due to Covid-19 – edited : note Covid restrictions have now been lifted. Tuesday September 14th – Evening Open Meeting, 20.00hrs (Zoom)‘The East Wall School Boys Strike of 1911’...

GSI Open Meetings

Tuesday May 11th – Evening open Meeting – 20.00hrs (Zoom) Daniel Horowitz, – resources for research.Wednesday Wednesday May 26th – Morning Open Meeting 11.00hrs (Zoom) Informal general discussion on family history and related...

Open Meeting

GenSocIreland is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting – the Topic is ‘Introduction to GSI online resources’Time: 08:00 PM Tuesday 9th February 2021 Meeting ID: 995 9185 6018 Passcode: 218703 Join Zoom Meeting...
Donate to the Society

Donate to the Society

Keeping the society going is always a challenge. And we always have plans for the future, which are impossible to progress. We keep our costs to an absolute minimum – all of the Society activities are provided by volunteers, and expenses must be fully justified,...