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Brateolaíocht Éireann ~ Vexillology Ireland

This is a Specialist Branch of the Genealogical Society of Ireland established in 2013 with the objective of promoting an awareness, appreciation, and knowledge of Ireland’s vexillological heritage.

In effect, Vexillology Ireland is the vehicle, by which, the Society implements this objective through its activities. This included the hosting of ‘Bratacha 2013’ Ireland’s first International Festival of Flags and Emblems in Dún Laoghaire in May 2013 and the hosting of an exhibition of flags and emblems which, due to its popularity, continued for several months after the festival.

As part of the festival, Mr. Graham Bartram of The Flag Institute was a special guest for the launch of the festival flag – the ‘Mountains to the Sea’ flag - designed by the late Andrew Gerard Ball. This flag was flown over the County Hall in Dún Laoghaire at weekends from 2013 to 2019.
The Genealogical Society of Ireland is unique amongst the family and local history organisations on the island in its promotion of the study of two closely related studies, heraldry and vexillology, as part of its main objectives alongside genealogy. The link between heraldry and genealogy is well understood and, indeed, several genealogical organisations around the world include heraldry in their activities and, often, in the actual name of the organisation. However, given the obvious link between heraldry and flags, this Society decided to include vexillology as an area of study.

Remember, many of our ancestors were either flag wavers or flag followers and this aspect of their story can be, at times, difficult to understand. Down through the ages flags have either united or divided families and communities – let’s learn about our vexillological heritage.

Vexillology is the study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags and emblems and the origin of the term itself is credited to the American scholar, Dr Whitney Smith (1940-2016), and dates from 1957 and, indeed, formalised by Smith in 1961 with the publication of ‘The Flag Bulletin’.
The Society is the only Irish member of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations or FIAV for short, (Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques), to which, it was elected in 2015 at the congress in Sydney, Australia, having applied for membership at the congress held in Rotterdam in The Netherlands in 2013.

The renowned vexillologist, Russian born and long-time Irish resident, Stan Zamyatin-Moore, MA, represented the Society at the Sydney congress and, along with the GSI Board’s delegate Tom Conlan, he represented the Society in Rotterdam. Attendance at both events was with the financial assistance of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council following the success of the international festival of flags and emblems in 2013.

Check out the article on ‘Bratacha 2013’ published in the 2023 issue of the Journal of the Genealogical Society of Ireland, available below

On Tuesday 11 February 2025, the Society hosted the inaugural Annual Vexillology Ireland Lecture with special guest, Stan Zamyatin-Moore, MA, author of Ireland’s only guide to flag design, ‘Flagging Ireland’- a copy of which, can be downloaded, available below.

Bratacha 2013 Concert

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